Update for 2019

Ok, we know it’s been a while since we posted, but here’s a quick update for 2019… This year has been a bear!  We were in a serious car accident this spring (we’re both ok and doing fine but the car was totaled!).  We had two deaths in the...

Business Updates

Since our last post there have been several changes to our business. For several reasons, we have decided to change our website pricing from a one-time charge to a monthly charge.  First of all, most of the websites we have created so far are for business owners who...

Scammers Still Persist

If you’ve ever operated a business building websites you probably know these guys.  Hopefully you haven’t gotten to know them too well.  Yep, I’m talking about scammers.  I don’t know where they are, but I’ve heard it’s somewhere in...

Comment Spam

Ok, I just have to put in a plug for CleanTalk, a cloud anti-spam service for websites.  This blog started getting spam comments from the start, usually about one or two a week, then it escalated into 20 to 30 per day!  They were from all kinds of sites –...

Website Security Issues

Well, it’s been about 6 months now since I started this business and I continue to learn more and more every day.  Today’s topic is website security, which I recently gained some firsthand knowledge about. I went on vacation to the Oregon coast and just...

Website Development Ripoffs

I found this great article about small businesses being ripped off by unscrupulous website developers. It’s from Australia, but definitely applies here as well. Having seen the quality of work produced by our competitors here in Southern Utah, I don’t...